Sunday, July 12, 2009

Welcome our guests

Welcome, uncle Li Hui, aunty Ren Fang, brother Wei Zhen, Wei Jia and sister Xin Rang. How are you? Please come in. We love to have you join us for this Monday evening on 29.9.08. Our doors are wide open to people .We wanted you to experience the enjoyable atmosphere in our house.
Lydia and Priscilla, how important it is to learn the skills to welcome houseguest? God created all of us with the need for social interaction. Proverbs 18:24 reminds us, "A man who has friends must himself be friendly." This is where being a welcome guest begins. No one is born with these skills. Rather, they are learned though observations, instructions, practices and even from making mistakes.

Meeting people is a great way to overcome shyness. Girls, let us learn how to meet people and how to develop a satisfying relationship.

Mum and aunty Ren Fang had a good sharing. We talked about the role of parents. Parents are supposed to guide thier children into adulthood. I feel that there are a lot of parents today who neglect that responsibility. Girls, we just want those parents to think about their children's happiness in the long run.

Tonight, both of you have learned the art of getting others to talk about themselves. Kids can use friendly questions to encourage kids to talk and break the ice. Dad and mum were so proud of you. You had developed your friendships. Five of you had a friendly chat.
Parenting may be one of the toughest jobs in the world. Uncle Li Hui and aunty Ren Fang are the role model for their children. They have set a good example of healthy living to help their children making wise choices in their life. They are the living examples of what God's intention in marriage. Let us welcome them again.

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