We planned Gopeng Day Trip with sister Li Fang, Ya Xin, Kazie and Ke Xin on 9.8.2013.We began our journey at 9.30am. Two and a half hours of journey, we finally arrived at Gua Tempurung. It was our second visit.
Gua Tempurung package consists of four types. Each tailored to fit the fitness levels of visitors. Be prepared to slide down slippery slopes and get soaked in wet if you choose the tour 3 and tour 4. Dad and mom plan to take a complete tour (Grand Tour) with our secondary students one day.
Fanally we decided to go for the tour two. It costs RM9 per person. Most part of the dry area are illuminated with lighting.
Our tour took about one and half hour to complete. After the long walk, our stomachs started growling. We decided to have our lunch at Adeline's villa. Undoubtedly, Adeline's villa is a wonderful place to explore.The journey to Adeline villa was small and narrow. Adeline’s Villa is a hidden gem, just 5.5 km from Museum Gopeng or 3km from the Gaharu Tea Valley..
We had our lunch next to the registration area. The dining hall is spacious and airy.
Adeline is a great chef. We had a sumptuous buffet lunch at this open air canteen. There were cut fruits, ice kacang, homemade grass jelly drinks, nasi padang, goreng pisang and other finger foods. Adeline charged us only RM20 perperson.
The resort has a peculiar custom. Patrons are required to wash their own bowls and plates after eating.
After having lunch, we had a lovely time exploring and enjoying the scenery around Adeline's Villa.
There are two types of accommodation. First choice will be villa type.
Second one will be a kampung style rest house.
Who interested for water rafting and retreat, Adeline will be an ideal choice. It also offers thrilling nature-based activities that include caving, paintball and other team sports.
Great place to keep in mind for our next visit. Adeline’s Rest House is highly recommended for those who love eco-adventure. The package for 2 day 1 night stay at Adeline’s Villa is RM188 per pax. This includes one lunch, one dinner and one breakfast. The package is reasonable. Girls, dad and mom plan to stay at Adeline's Villa one day. Anyway , please check their website for exact price, which is subject to changes.Unlike the traditional tea tree, Gaharu Tea tree (沉香木) is very tall. It is suitable for warmer climate. The tour to view around the plantation is RM10 per person (by van), which comes with a packet of gaharu tea and a small piece of kayu raja wood.
At the base of the base of the valley, there’s a souvenir shop, selling gaharu products like gaharu tea, gaharu tea egg premix packs, bak kut teh herbal packs and even gaharu tea instant noodles.
We had chance to drink Hoga Gaharu Tea. It is a soothing beverage which made from the finest quality of gaharu leaves.
Gopeng Heritage Museum is a right place to learn about the history of Gopeng. It is a new addition to places of interest in Gopeng.
Very informative Museum where you can find all the ancients stuff in Gopeng Malaysia. Some of the electrical items are still in working condition.
It was our second visit. There are mystery legend behind this leftover castles.
We had our dinner at 七廊粿条汤.
Lobak 滷肉 It costs RM1.80 per roll. Kwan Jiang 广将 It costs RM1.00 perpiece. Both of the traditional snacks bring us travelling down our memory lane.
The famous 7 Village Koay Teow Th’ng soup base is prepared using pig bones. The big bones makes it sweet and tasty.Dragon Ball soup. It only costs RM3.30.